322 research outputs found

    Anal cancer: an essay on etiology, risk conditions, vulnerability, and care of carriers

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     Introduction: The incidence of anal cancer is influenced by individual factors and socially determined conditions of vulnerability. In Brazil, it has increased in recent decades. A probable explanation for the growing incidence is the low coverage of screening and prevention programs. Objective: The aim of this study was to reflect on risk factors, the need for early diagnosis, and care of people with anal cancer and to associate social vulnerability in the understanding of illness and care in the Unified Health System (SUS). Methods: This is a systematic literature review with consultations carried out in open electronic databases: SciELO, Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, and CAPES Publications Portal. The descriptors used were “anal cancer,” “anal cytology,” “anal cancer precursor lesions,” “primary prevention,” “integrality in health,” and “public health policies.” Results: Ensuring access to services is a common guideline in the literature. Based on the recovered references, two axes of analysis were built: in the first, ideas to reflect on care with collective health approaches were systematized, mainly on the etiology, biological risk factors, and conditions of vulnerability for cancer development to which the subjects are exposed. In the second, ideas to propose care technologies are put forward, with evidence from similar protocols and policies, especially the “Cervical Cancer Control Program,” which deals with a pathology with cytohistological and etiological similarities, risk factors, diagnostic techniques, and skilled health professionals. Conclusion: The reviewed sources point to the possibility of incorporating, as a SUS policy, large-scale actions of prevention, screening, and early diagnosis, to qualify and expand the initiatives of promotion and care. The professional cytotechnologist can be a decisive factor in the implementation of the care policy, expanding assistance to the population and qualifying the services

    Figuras e facetas da lógica proibicionista-medicalizante nas políticas sobre drogas no Brasil / Figures and facets of the prohibitionist-medicalinzg logic in Brazilian drug policies

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    ResumoEste artigo visa apresentar uma análise teórica a respeito da lei e norma na definição da opção política proibicionista no Brasil, nas últimas décadas. O debate central é como as políticas sobre drogas têm sido embasadas na perspectiva proibicionista. No bojo dessa postura de proibição legal, a tática repressiva ganhou expressão social e foi inscrita no plano da soberania jurídica normatizadora. Os movimentos de lei e ordem cada vez maisse entrecruzaram e passaram a requisitar a criminalizaçãodo uso e do comércio de drogas, em especial as consideradas ilícitas em um intricado campo de governamentalidades resultante de uma política criminal encarceradora e de umaperspectiva medicalizante do consumo de drogas legais, taiscomo os psicofármacos. Paralelamente, um conjunto de práticas discursivas e de poderoperaram conjuntamente na definição do que são drogas e de quais são lícitas e quais são ilícitas, por meio de um sistema de repartição complexo.Palavras-chave: Proibicionismo; Governamentalidades; Medicalização; Práticas sociais; Política sobre Drogas.AbstractThis paper offers a theoretical analysis of law and norm in the definition of Brazil’s prohibitionist drug policy in recent decades. The central argument advances that drug policies have been based on a prohibitionist perspective. At the core of this stance of legal prohibition, repressive tactics gained social acceptanceand were inscribed in a plan towards a normalizing judicial sovereignty. Law and order movements increasingly intercrossed and instituted the criminalization of drug use and the drug trade- particularly for those deemed illegal - by means of an intricate field of governmentalities which resulted in a carceral criminal policy and a medicalized view of legal drug use, including psychotropics. In parallel, a set of discursive and powerpractices operated jointly to define through a complex system of classification what constitutes a drug and which drugs are to be considered legal or illegal.Keywords: Prohibition; Governmentalities; Medicalization; Social Practices; Drug Policy

    Conferências de saúde e a hanseníase: ditos e silenciamentos sobre a doença negligenciada e seus estigmas

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    Vista como um sério problema de saúde pública em diferentes localidades, a hanseníase é marcada por tabus e carregada de estigmas. É uma doença negligenciada e constituída por diversas explicações ao longo da história, que atualizam marcas vivas do passado, inclusive na implementação de políticas públicas. As conferências de saúde são espaços de participação da sociedade na definição de políticas, com o objetivo de impactar o plano de cuidado de diferentes enfermidades. O objetivo deste artigo é compreender a relevância e as perspectivas apontadas às políticas públicas para a atenção às pessoas acometidas por hanseníase presentes nas etapas municipal, estadual e nacional da 16ª Conferência Nacional de Saúde. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental baseada nos relatórios finais e na esteira do processo ascendente da 16ª Conferência Nacional de Saúde. Os resultados demonstram a falta de visibilidade da hanseníase nos relatórios das etapas municipal e estadual da conferência e, na etapa nacional, o registro tem dupla ênfase, produzir visibilidade sobre a doença e seu contexto, reivindicando atualizar a mobilização social em torno dela e ações de educação permanente voltadas aos trabalhadores.Seen as a serious public health problem in different locations, leprosy is marked by taboos and carried by stigma. It is a neglected disease and made up of several explanations throughout history, which update living marks of the past, including in the implementation of public policies. Health conferences are spaces for society to participate in the definition of policies, aiming to impact the care plan of different illnesses. The objective of this article is to understand the relevance and perspectives pointed to public policies for the care of people affected by leprosy present in the municipal, state, and national stages of the 16th National Health Conference. This is a documentary research based on the final reports and in the wake of the ascending process of the 16th National Health Conference. The results show the lack of visibility of leprosy in the reports of the municipal and state stages of the conference and, in the national stage, the record has a double emphasis: producing visibility about the disease and its context, claiming to update social mobilization around it and permanent education actions aimed at workers